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Are you looking for help with your Stress and Burnout?
Do you feel trapped in the stress and burnout cycle?
If you’ve been living with high stress levels, it’s likely that you could feel trapped in the cycle. Life can feel like an uphill struggle and you can find yourself in crisis management mode most of the time. Stress creates more stress and so the process becomes self-fuelling. You could even say that you’ve been in an unconscious training. When its got to this point it’s hard to imagine life could be any different.
Is the stress and burnout affecting your health?
The most obvious signs of stress are usually the physical, psychological and emotional symptoms that we experience. Maybe that shows up as sleep problems, fatigue/exhaustion, anxiety, mind chatter, physical tension, headaches/pain etc. All of these are hard to ignore and obvious signs that you’re stressed. Often the stress has built up over time and become the “new normal”. But where else is the stress showing up in your life?
Stress and burnout are affecting all areas of life!
As well as the obvious health symptoms, stress and burnout are having an influence on the other main areas of life. Relationships are under more strain when stress is involved. Career is another area that’s affected, it’s hard to be creative, productive and energetic when you’re in the stress and burnout cycle. Your sense of well-being is the other area that suffers, it’s hard to appreciate any aspects of life when you’re stressed and burnt out.
What can you do to change the situation?
When the stress and burnout cycle has been in place for some time, it’s become necessary to retrain the system. I’ve found it’s essential to focus in three distinct areas, the Physical, the Emotional and the Psychological (The PEP approach). If we leave any of those areas out of the mix, it’s very easy to be sabotaging yourself, slowing down the process or even stopping it completely. I offer this approach to stress and fatigue in the 90 day programme.
What to do next!
There’s lots of useful information on the subject of stress and burnout on this site. The best way to get started is to either download the ebook or watch the free presentation “Breaking the Stress & Burnout Cycle”
Russell Stubbs
International Health Coach & Therapist
Free Resources
“Breaking the Stress & Burnout Cycle”
Are You Trapped in the Stress & Burnout Cycle?

“Suddenly my life is full again. I am meeting new people and enjoying doing normal things. It is a different way of looking at things but I am proof of the results.”

“The course is life- changing. My energy levels have rocketed and I am capable of undertaking any reasonable task including riding my bike over significant distances!”